Saltwater Experience Fishing

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Trackback - 43 Years Of Television - Tatted Strength - Potential - New Content This Week - 6/5/2020

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We started out this week with my friend Capt Scott Walker from Into the Blue Television show.  Scott is a wizard with electronics and over the past few weeks, he has gone over how he sets up his radar to mark birds, how he uses High Chirp, Low Chirp, and Downscan to mark everything from Pilchards to Swordfish, how he uses alarms and fish icons to catch more sails, Marlin and Dolphin and this week he talks about the importance of the Trackback feature to scroll back and mark a waypoint on a spot that you have already passed.  Definitely a load of good information in all of those. To listen read more here.

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When it comes to good information that helps you catch fish, Jimmy Houston has been dishing that out for 43 years on television.  I watched Jimmy as a kid on Saturday mornings and he definitely had a big influence on me and my fishing.  I was lucky enough to catch Jimmy at his Ranch during the Coronavirus lockdown and despite some spotty internet, I thought we made an excellent full-length show.  Did you know that his goal for the first year of television was to lose less than $50,000?  That was a ton of money 43 years ago.  He talks about what it took to get the show going and keep it going over all these years.  Additionally, we discuss how the business has changed and how he is embracing Youtube and social media as well. Go to read more here

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Sometimes learning a little new information or meeting someone can change a life.  Chris "Tatted Strength" Luera began to go down a very bad road at the age of 11.  He got involved with gangs and ended up in and out of correctional facilities until he finally met some people who showed him positivity and a new way to live his life.  Chris became involved in competitive Calestenics, like street gymnastics and it changed his trajectory forever.  Soon, Chris was traveling the World rather than sitting in a cell and he became a 3 Time World Champion.  He released a book recently called Beyond The Bars documenting his life change through changing his mind.  I found it interesting and was happy when he accepted my invitation to be on the podcast.  I was interested in the fact that if he could make such a massive shift in his mindset, how could each of us apply the same tools to change smaller things that are holding us back like limiting beliefs, confidence issues, and self-sabotage.  He delivered and gave us all a lot to think about.  Read more here.

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We can all improve.  Every one of us has hidden potential that we can tap into.  Sometimes we just need a baseline to shoot for so that we can monitor our progress and adjust our approach.  In this Physical Friday episode, I go over a simple test that anyone could do that helps to gauge your current fitness.  It can be repeated often and you can improve on your scores.  You don't need any equipment, just a 20-meter area to run  Read the full article here.

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See you on the water,

Captain Tom Rowland


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