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If you only had one reel to fish with, what would it be? When fishing for redfish, snook, bonefish, small tarpon and jacks I have a go-to outfit. I use a 3 or 4000 size reel, the 4,000 with more line capacity and the 3,000 for a lighter outfit. What I usually look for it one that will be durable and stand up to all kinds of abuse. On a charter boat the reels are going to get stepped on and dropped, they will get salt all over them.
The Daiwa Saltist Back Bay is a standard for inshore fisherman. It has a stainless steel veil, so if it gets stepped on or dropped, it won’t be the end of the world. With general maintenance this reel will last you a long time. Generally I will use 15 or 20 lbs. braid and I can get 150 to 200 yards on a reel like the Daiwa Saltist.
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