
Ed Emory - 5 time One Fly Champion Talks about Electroshocking the South Fork of The Snake River, Idaho - Tom Rowland Podcast

Ed Emory - 5 time One Fly Champion Talks about Electroshocking the South Fork of The Snake River, Idaho - Tom Rowland Podcast

Ed Emory is a veteran guide on the South Fork Of The Snake River in Swan Valley, ID. Ed has solidified his great reputation by winning the Jackson Hole One Fly Tournament as a guide an astonishing 5 times. He is the only person to have done this.

Many may know that I started my guide career on the South Fork about the same time that Ed also began his career. We both love this river and want what is best for it.

Trackback - 43 Years Of Television - Tatted Strength - Potential - New Content This Week - 6/5/2020

Trackback - 43 Years Of Television - Tatted Strength - Potential - New Content This Week - 6/5/2020

We started out this week with my friend Capt Scott Walker from Into the Blue Television show. Scott is a wizard with electronics and over the past few weeks, he has gone over how he sets up his radar to mark birds, how he uses High Chirp, Low Chirp, and Downscan to mark everything from Pilchards to Swordfish, how he uses alarms and fish icons to catch more sails, Marlin and Dolphin and this week he talks about the importance of the Trackback feature to scroll back and mark a waypoint on a spot that you have already passed. Definitely a load of good information in all of those.

Conservation - Marking Birds With Radar - World Records - Memorial Day - New Content This Week - 5/15/2

Conservation - Marking Birds With Radar - World Records - Memorial Day - New Content This Week - 5/15/2

MONDAY: John Wooden has a famous quote: “Do not let what you can not do interfere with what you can do”.   Wise words that have served many well. We discuss how this quote may apply to the quarantine that we are all experiencing.  Additionally, we completed the Wim Hof Quarantine Challenge and are on day 41 of the 100-day Burpee Challenge.  How’s it going? Read the full article HERE.