Tarpon require a much heavier rod than bonefish and permit
Name: Chris Sprenkle
Subject: Rod and reel outfit
Message: Is there one rod and reel outfit you would recommend that would be appropriate for tarpon, permit, and bones. Was thinking 9' 10 wt. but would appreciate your opinion.
(Sent via Saltwater Experience TV Blog)
Hey Chris,
Great question. I have always said that a 10 weight is the 5 weight of the ocean. For those unfamiliar with that analogy, a 5 weight fly rod can do just about anything in freshwater. It is a little too heavy for fishing spring creeks with 7x tippet, but it can be done. It might be a little light for throwing a bass bug or a weighted wooly bugger on a western river, but you can do it. For everything else, it is just about the perfect rod.
The 10 weight is kind of the same thing. It will be a little heavy for throwing small bonefish flies to small bonefish, but you can do it. It may be a little light for catching really big tarpon, but you can do it and many people prefer a 10 weight for large tarpon. For everything else, the 10 weight is ideal.
If I only had one rod in freshwater, it would be a 5 weight and if I only had one in saltwater, it would be a 10 weight. I hope that helps.
See you on the water,
Tom Rowland
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