A happy family on a Saltwater Experience Charter with Mike O'Dell
Question- Do you take charters?
Name: Matt Long
Subject: Fishing Charters
Message: I was watching an episode of you all's show and I swear I had the announcer say to check the website for information on different things including charter information.
Did I mishear the announcer, or do you offer charters?
(Sent via Saltwater Experience TV Blog)
Hey Matt,
Thanks for watching. At one time, we had a large charter fleet at Hawks Cay. This took up a ton of time and took our focus off making television shows. We dialed it back to a single boat and guide that works for us now.
Neither Rich or I take charters on a daily basis right now. The television shows occupy all of our time and it would be unfair to our customers to promise dates that may have to be moved due to shooting schedules of appearances.
Mike Odell runs our boat and Saltwater Experience Charters right from the dock at Hawks Cay Marina and can put you on the type of fishing that you see on the show. Additionally, I can recommend other guides in different parts of the Keys.
Here is Mike's information:
Mike O’Dell
or you can call the Hawks Cay Marina
Give Mike a call and get out and do some fishing!
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