Name: Thomas C
Subject: anti-reverse
Message: Great show Tom. My question is about the anti reverse switch on spinning reels. Should I use it or not?
(Sent via Saltwater Experience TV Blog)
Hey Thomas,
Thanks for your question. It is a good one.
Anti-Reverse on a spinning reel is a feature that prevents the reel from turning backwards and engages the drag. Some reels come with an Anti Reverse switch that allows the angler to choose whether it is engaged or not. This feature has helped people "back-reel" rather than allowing the drag to fight the fish. This is an old school technique which can be very effective on smaller fish. One notable fishing celebrity who advocated back reeling was Jerry McKinnis of The Fishin Hole (one of the greatest fishing shows of all time and one of my favorites). Jerry loved to fish for Smallmouth from a canoe and often advocated this technique.
While it may be a great technique for a 3 pound smallmouth, it is not a good idea for a tarpon or any other fish capable of pulling some serious drag. I DO NOT advocate back reeling for any saltwater fish rather than using the drag.
There may be other advantages to having an anti reverse switch on a spinning reel, but I don't see it. In fact, the switch in itself seems to be a weakness to me. Many of my reels, over the years, have functioned perfectly until salt gets into the Anti-Reverse switch and the reel soon fails.
Daiwa Saltist sans Anti Reverse switch
Daiwa also noticed that the Anti Reverse was a weakness and simply eliminated it from most of their high end saltwater reels. The end result is that the reels are better and far more durable in my opinion.
My opinion, Thomas, is that it is unnecessary for all of my own applications.
One of my favorite reels that does not have an anti reverse switch is the Daiwa BG MQ reel. It retails for just a little over $200 - $289.99 and will serve the saltwater angler extremely well.
The Daiwa BG MQ is available in different sizes: 3000 , 4000 , 5000 , 6000 , 8000 , 10,000 , 14,000 , 18000 and 20,000. These sizes represent reels that can handle anything from catching bait to small snappers to redfish, bonefish and permit all the way up to the biggest tarpon, sharks or offshore species.
I hope that helps.
All the best,
Tom Rowland
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