The Improved Clinch Knot has stood the test of time. It is a fantastic fishing knot.
Most people know this knot by some name. Sometimes people call it a Fisherman's Knot, A Cinch Knot or by it's most common name, The Clinch or Improved Clinch Knot. It is highly likely that this may be the first fishing knot that your grandfather showed you. It is a simple way to tie a hook to a line, but has stood the test of time and proven itself strong, easy and reliable.
The standard Clinch knot is tied by passing the line through the hook then turning it 5-7 times before putting the tag end back through the hole created between the hook and the first twist. This method works well on most lines, but with a few finishes on certain monofiliment and fluorocarbon, the knot will slip. Someone tried passing the line back through the larger loop a second time, therefore improving the knot.
This improvement lead to the knot being referred to as an Improved Clinch Knot. If my description is confusing, simply watch the video below for step by step instructions.
I use The Improved Clinch and the Clinch Knot for any application that I want the hook tight to the line rather than securing it with a loop.
(Click Here for a post that includes the Uni Knot Loop)
Sometimes I want the hook to be able to swing with a strong loop knot like when using a swimming bait like a pilchard but I like to be tight to the hook when using circle hooks and bait. My most common application would be for Permit fishing with live crabs and a 4/0 circle hook. This knot has been a reliable and strong connection resulting in lots of big permit.
(Read my article on Permit Fishing with spinning tackle and live crabs by clicking here)
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I hope that this knot helps you catch more fish. Post a comment below and let me know how you are using this knot or if you have any questions.
I have done over 40 knot videos but many people get confused with so many. I often get the question, “Can you just tell me which are the ones I need to know?”
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All the Best,
Tom Rowland