Early morning workout, alone in a parking lot. This time it was the Deck of Cards, but Jelly Legs would have been a great option. The world is your gym. No excuses!
I maintain an endless list of travel workouts. Things I can do on a limited amount of time, limited space and zero equipment. There is no reason to ever use the excuse that you couldn't make it to the gym...your hotel room, the parking lot, a park, or the stairwell can easily be your gym.
To maintain your current fitness level or to regain control of your health, it is necessary to develop a schedule and stick with it. Exercise 4-6 days a week is crucial for physical conditioning and probably even more important for mental health. When on the road, it is so easy to let is slip and use excuses of being away from your gym to put it off. If you can keep up some type of exercise while traveling, you will be better for it. Being clear headed, in a positive place mentally and fueled with the best food and sleep you can get on the road will equal better performance. Better performance usually means more fish in the boat or more productive meetings.
Often when traveling for trade shows, fishing tournaments, or filming time; space and equipment can be severely restricted. I have collected a ton of different ways to stay in shape while traveling whether I am in a hotel, a Mothership or a secluded island in the Bahamas. Here is another of my favorite workouts for limited time, equipment and space:
Equipment: Watch, phone or timing device
Time: 20-30 minutes
Space: 6 foot area, indoors or out
Excuses: None
Jelly Legs
20 Burpees/1 squat
19 Burpees/2 squats
18 Burpees/3 squats
17 Burpees/4 squats
16 Burpees/5 squats
15 Burpees/6 squats
14 Burpees/7 squats...
Continue on until you have reached 1 Burpee/20 Squats
This one is very scalable as well. If you don't have enough time or you are not physically ready to start at 20 reps, simply start at 15, 12 or 10. Do what you can do and what you have time for. The most important thing is that you do something!
Having a list of workouts like this one that you can use anytime you need to keeps you on track to maintaining your fitness or achieving your goals of being in better shape.
Try this one and post your time in the comments.
All the best,
Tom Rowland
"Tom, I was watching one of the saltwater experience episodes from season 12 and when you went to grab a net out of your truck before launching the boat I caught a glimpse of a kettlebell! I'm guessing 24kg... Awesome "on the go" fitness tool! I have a few of my favorite kettlebell workouts, could you post one of yours?"