Knowing the tides can get you in and out of difficult locations where fish like to feed
Figuring out the tides here is incredibly important. Watch this show right now and learn something! Click HERE
Today, I will answer a question off Facebook:
Julie Maples Gallion
Can you tell me about a good source for tide data at specific keys or channels within Florida Bay. I can only find data for Flamingo and keys near the main island chain...but need it for locations in between.
Saltwater Experience
Sent by Tom Rowland
Sure, there are tide stations all throughout the Florida Keys. The exact spot that you are looking for may not have a tide station, but look for the nearest ones and you should be able to find a pretty accurate tide. Here is a list of all the tides stations:
That was a quick answer to a much more complicated question. It is difficult for a new angler to understand the Keys tides and how they work. In fact, I am still trying to figure out just why the tides do what they do in lots of locations. I guess the good news is that you don't really have to fully understand why the tide is much later in one spot than another rather, it is only important to the fisherman that you are accurately able to predict the tide and be able to navigate to the fishing spot on any tide.
Today, it is easier than ever to predict the tide. On my Lowrance HDS unit, the tide prediction tables are built into the software. This is amazing as I can select any tide station and get a tide prediction immediately. It is also very interesting to also look at the Current prediction tables. The current can be more important than the tide height for catching fish in some situations. When you use both, you can be more effective as an angler.
As you are starting to become more successful with tide predictions, make sure to keep a notebook or journal of your success and failures. The best fishermen are those who can replicate success due to the tide.
All the best,
Tom Rowland
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