A life on the back of the boat is rewarding, and fun but it requires a TON of work both on and off the boat. Skills such as writing, social media, video editing, photography, entrepreneurship and marketing are all extremely valuable skills that fishing guides need.
Name: Tyler S
Email Address: Tyler.s@gmail.com
Subject: Fishing life
Message: Hi I'm 14 years old and love to fish. I live in Pennsylvania and constantly go to New Jersey for stripers and blue fish. I'm going to become a mate hopefully this summer. However, I'm sick of waiting all winter just to get the bite. I know for a fact that when I grow up, I'm moving to Florida. Watching every episode of your show makes me wonder, how can I start a career where I can live my dream of fishing?
(Sent via Saltwater Experience TV Blog)
Hi Tyler,
I think that you are well on your way. Getting a job as a mate is an excellent start.
I also suggest that you really pay attention in school and seek out classes or clubs on filmmaking, editing, photography, entrepreneurship, marketing, advertising, new media such as social media and try to become a really good writer. It seems like all you need to do is to know how to fish, but that is probably the easiest part of being a successful fishing guide. If you work for someone, much of this type of work is taken care of by the outfitter or Capt., but that is a very tough way to make a living. To make a real living as a fishing guide, eventually you will need to run your own business and that takes some skills that you can easily learn in school while you are waiting on summer to get here.
Read as many books as possible on starting a business and really take advantage of what your school offers. The ability to write well has been one of my greatest advantages in the fishing world.
Here are a couple of articles that I wrote that I strongly encourage you to read. Some are my own advice and others are from some of my friends. Let me know if you have other questions…I am happy to help.
Please let me know if you have any more questions!
-Tom Rowland
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