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If I could only tie one fishing knot for the rest of my life it would be the Uni Knot.  This is my choice because it can satisfy many different situations crucial to fishing success.  You can tie line onto an empty spool, tie 2 lines together whether that is monofiliment, braid or fluorocarbon and also tie on a hook or lure all with the same knot.  For even more versatility, you can choose to snug the knot down tight to your hook or lure or leave a loop to give the bait more action.  

In my every day fishing I don't use the Uni Knot for everything, BUT I COULD.  I am a student of fishing and I am always trying to find new and better ways to do things.  I look for stronger knots or knots that help my presentation in some way.  I am quite aware that most people don't have the time, energy or even the interest in devoting this much time to tying knots.  If this is you, I have just the thing for you.  

The Uni Knot is easy to learn, easy to teach to someone else and it will work for 99% of all fishing situations in the World.  Is it the absolute best for every situation?  No, there is not one knot that will be perfect for everything but the Uni Knot is as close as I have found to a perfect knot.

So get some mono, or cord, click play and lets learn how to tie knot #1 of this series of the Most Important Knots in Saltwater Fishing: