Articles that mention or feature MotorGuide
S15:E5 - “Blackfin In The Keys” (2020)
Captains Tom Rowland and Rich Tudor venture to the Atlantic oceanside of the Keys for Blackfin Tuna.
S15:E4 - “Up From The Deep” (2020)
Captains Tom Rowland and Rich Tudor head out from their Middle Keys home base to deeper waters.
S15:E3 - “Flamingo Returns” (2020)
Captains Tom Rowland and Rich Tudor enjoy a productive day in the Florida Bay area of the Everglades
S15:E2 - “Key West Birthday Slam” (2020)
Captains Tom Rowand and Rich Tudor are joined by Key West guide Nick LaBadie.
S15:E1 - “Triple Tail In The Everglades” (2020)
Captains Tom Rowland and Rich Tudor bounce around the Florida Bay Everglades and take advantage of some rare activity by the interesting and delicious Atlantic Triple Tail
Fishing on the flats is can be a challenge to get those skittish fish that face significant fishing pressure and boat traffic. Rich and I will frequently stake out and try two or three times before we can get their attention. Fish like this we refer to as suffering from “lockjaw” as they will refuse to eat.
Tom and I have been using the MotorGuide Xi5 for the past few years and love our experience with it. Recently, MotorGuide has released the new Xi3, which is more compact and lighter than the Xi5.
Trolling motors continue to evolve into more effective fishing tools. We have been using the Xi5 motors from MotorGuide for years and have been very pleased. Now, MotorGuide just introduced the Xi3 motor which is a little lighter, and skips a few of the features of the Xi5 and comes in a little cheaper. Here are the Features of the new Xi3...
With most boats, I would STRONGLY discourage your trying to use a trolling motor battery as a starting battery as well. That is never a good idea and you will be stuck on the water one day, if not the very first day that you try it. Keep the trolling motor completely separate from the starting battery. The starting battery should be able to run your electronics and maybe livewell on light use and always maintain plenty of cranking amps to easily start your motor.
It's Motorguide xi5 trolling motor. It's the best out there. Not only can it hold in the current, but it is also paired with...
I just picked up my brand new 24 Yellowfin and I am so happy with this boat. After building several boats, I have made adjustments to the layout...
S15:E6 - “The Lower Keys Highway” (2020)
Captains Tom Rowland and Rich Tudor head to the Lower Keys for Tarpon and various types of Jacks.