
Why We Created Saltwater Experience

Why We Created Saltwater Experience

When I discovered that guiding anglers was actually a way to make a living, I dove in head first.  My career started in Jackson, WY at Bressler Outfitters.  I was the everything guy who was the lowest on the totem pole and called “The Swamper”.  I did everything from changing bearings on trailers to taking firewood to camp.  I also got to do some guiding when everyone else was full and when they weren’t it was up to me to go teach fly casting at local guest ranches to try to recruit some trips.

The "Labor Day Hurricane" Of 1935

The "Labor Day Hurricane" Of 1935

Can you imagine having zero warning as a Category 5 Hurricane came straight at you? No Weather Channel, no radar, no phone app, not even anyone to call you and tell you it is coming. That is what happened in 1935 when the most powerful Hurricane to ever hit the Keys took aim at Islamorada. Learn about this historic storm in this feature from our show.