Hawks Cay Grand Reopening

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S14:E1 - “Hawks Cay Grand Reopening” (2019)

Tom & Rich celebrate Hawks Cay reopening post-Hurricane Irma.

After the devastating events of Hurricane Irma, Hawks Cay Resort has reopened it’s doors to the public. With newly upgraded rooms and restaurant, Hawks Cay celebrated it’s reopening with their annual Heroes Salute. From August through December, Hawks Cay welcomes the military and first responders, both past and present, and pays tribute to the ones that have lost their lives in the line of duty. During the first weekend of Heroes Salute Weekend, the resort offers something for the whole family, from fireworks to 5k races.

Held once a year, the Heroes Salute welcomes all the men and women (past and present) of the military, fire and rescue, police and sworn officers and medical personnel to say “thank you for your service and sacrifice.” We had the opportunity to see how our countries heroes were honored in the Heroes Salute tribute ceremony and slideshow. It was quite an incredible experience and a great start to our 14th season. Check out some of our favorite moments from the episode below:

As always, we had Jason Stemple with us to document this trip in ultra high quality still photos.  Here are some of my favorites.  Enjoy!

See you on the water,

Capt. Rich Tudor & Capt. Tom Rowland