Hotel Workout #1- Magic 50


From the early days of The ESPN Redfish Cup to today's schedule of visiting sponsors, Icast, Miami Boat Show and visits to Hawks Cay for filming, I am on the road quite a bit.  In the beginning of my road to fitness, I used to get frustrated when the hotel gym wasn't well equipped or worse...didn't actually exist. 

Today, I don't worry about that at all and I am never at a loss as to how to get in a workout on the road.  In fact, I am supremely confident that I can get in as good of a workout without a gym as I can with one.  Equipment or no equipment, the workout will happen.

As a professional fisherman, guide or businessman, travel can throw a tremendous obstacle in your way on the road to fitness if you don't think creatively, pack a few essentials and be ready to adapt.

I always pack the following items no matter where I go in the world.



Running shoes

1 elastic band

1 Jump Rope

1 deck of cards

1 Gymboss Timer or iPhone

I can cram almost all of this into my shoes taking up no extra space.

Under this category, I will continue to post workouts that can be done on the road with this small amount of gear or other things that may be easily found on the road. 

I never rely on a hotel gym to get in a workout, but sometimes I will peek my head in and see what is available.  Most gyms have a broken treadmill, a couple of swiss balls and a dusty set of dumbbells.  90% of the gyms I have seen have at least 1 dumbbell. If I can find a dumbbell, I will use it.

#1 Hotel Workout If A Dumbbell Is Available

Here is my favorite Hotel workout with only one dumbbell.  I use a 50 lb dumbbell if available but it can be done with lighter weights.  If only light weight is available, I may do more than 5 rounds.

Magic 50

5 Dumbbell Swings per arm

5 Dumbbell Snatches per arm

10 Burpees

x 5 rounds for time

You only need one dumbbell, about 6 feet of space and a timer or your phone for this one.  If there is a platform, the back of a treadmill, or some 45 pound plates available, I will jump onto those after each burpee.  If I do it back at my own garage, I use 3 stacked 45 lb rubber weights to jump onto. 

My all time PR on this one is 6:42 with a 50 lb dumbbell, jumping onto 3 stacked 45 lb plates.  It is important to keep time so that you can see improvement which keeps you motivated. 

The Magic 50 is one of the very finest conditioning workouts I have ever used and it only takes 1 dumbbell that even most Hotel gyms have.  Try this one out at home or on the road.

If you are unfamiliar with the exercises, you can see them below.