The Best Rod Action For Snook And Redfish


Here is a question that we have actually received more than once so maybe there are more people wondering about this.  Hopefully this answer will help some people looking for a new rod.


"What was the rod action when you were fishing out of the house boat. The rod was a smoke but what was the action ? It seemed you were having way to much fun and I want that too. I have a 30 PT that needs a home."




Hey Chris!  Glad you liked those shows.  You are in luck...Your Quantum 30 is going to fit perfectly on the rod I was using on the houseboat shows.  The rod was a new Quantum Smoke and I really liked it.

Since then, I have had the opportunity to fish with the St. Croix Avid Series Inshore and the Legend Xtreme Inshore. They both come in a 7 foot 8-17 lb. model. I think that is the very best rod action for almost all of the fishing that I do. The tip is soft enough to make very technical casts and it has enough backbone to rip a big snook out of the bushes.

If I had to go a little heavier I would choose the 7 foot 10-20 lb. model. Those two rods could be used for 95% of the fishing that I do in the Florida Keys and Louisiana.  

Check them out at:  or

Be sure to watch us in action on our latest episode with Capt. Richard Black on Waypoint TV.

S13:E4 "Richard Black and the Everglades Snook"

Tom and Rich invite guide Richard Black to lead them Snook fishing in the heart of the Everglades.

All the best, 

Tom Rowland

Thanks for the question and for watching the show.  If you have a question you would like for me to answer and possibly feature on this blog, send me an email directly at or use our "Ask Us A Question" form

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